Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Working on erasing every single pole that is sticking up in the picture. As of right now it seems almost natural and like there was never a giant pole right next to his head.

Photoshop Man- FINISHED

Today in Computer Graphics class, using Photoshop, and the liquify tool I altered the original pictuire to the picture on the right. This process took a while and I am fairly new to Photoshop so it might not look very professional. The line in the middle separating the two photos was completely by accident when I accidently altered the background. I have added the "before" and "after" on purpose and it took around maybe five minutes to do.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today is the 25th of August and a Friday. I worked on a project for my Computer Graphics Class on modifying a picture of a random man we found on the internet with the liquify tool. On the top is the original photo while on the bottom is my modified photograph.


My first blog post! Doesn't feel like much of an achievement... I was expecting a it to feel like I accomplished something.